About Hungary
The country is in a strategic Central Europe location
It is bordering 7 countries
An estimated 17 Million tourists visited the country in 2017
Hungary is an EU member &in the Schengen zone
It’s only a short flight of 5 hours from Dubai
Investment in Hungary
6.42% average rental yield
15% Net rental income tax
0% capital gain tax after 5 years of holding period
0% inheritance duty
31% real estate price rise since 2015 (EU average is 11%)
NO service fee if property rented
100% freehold
About Budapest
An exciting time to invest in EU’s number one property investment climate.
A city of unstoppable growth.
Prices at rock bottom compared to other European capitals – This is the time to buy.
The Paris of Eastern Europe – 16,9 million tourists visited Hungary in 2016.
12% capital growth in the 12 months to Novermber 2018 – EU average is 4%.
7% annual prediced rental yield.
81% ROI Forcasted five year NET profit.
Key Sectors
Automotive is one of Hungary’s core industries, employing a total of approx. 140,000 people, producing 20% of total exports. Electronics, ICT, pharmaceuticals and medical technology are also increasingly important, as the country is shifting towards an R&D and innovation focus. The food industry may also be considered a traditionally important sub-sector of the economy. The last two decades have shown that Hungary, with its skilled labor force, is an ideal country for the operation of shared service centers.